Hexadecimal Conversion

The following utility will enable you to convert hexadecimal to decimal and vice versa


Some people have been in touch about requiring larger numbers to be converted. The converter above is written in vanilla Javascript will only retain accuracy to around 18 digits (enough for most tasks), if you require more then please try this PHP based Beta version which allows for up to 100 characters to be converted. Any problems do shout. :)

Hexadecimal is base 16.
Base 16 is where the 'numbers' you can use are zero through to the letter F (0123456789ABCDEF). i.e. the decimal value for '1' is represented in hexadecimal as '1' but the hexadecimal value of '15' (decimal) is shown as 'F' (hexadecimal) and the value of '17' (decimal) is '11' in Hexadecimal.
Decimal Hex Decimal Hex Decimal Hex
1 1 11 B 30 1E
2 2 12 C 40 28
3 3 13 D 50 32
4 4 14 E 60 3C
5 5 15 F 70 46
6 6 16 10 80 50
7 7 17 11 90 5A
8 8 18 12 100 64
9 9 19 13 500 1F4
10 A 20 14 1000 3E8